Just when I said I didn’t want to spend another boring session at the gym, my girlfriend tells me I should just dance it off instead. I’m all ears..
How a busy mom can stay fit without the fuss (and maybe with some fun!)

Photo credit/site https://unsplash.com/@cgram2000
Guest post by Wendy Dessler
Most of us want to stay in good physical condition. When we become parents, that sometimes becomes a challenge. It is difficult to keep up with work, social responsibilities, maintaining adult bonds with our partners, and raising children.
There is not always time to prepare healthy meals, and eating on the go is sometimes the only option. The thought of taking exercise class is not on our list of favorite things to do. But, if you find a way to make exercise fun, you can fit it into your life in small bits of time. Dance moves are often the answer. You can turn on some music and drop a few moves while you are taking care of the household chores. You can teach the kids and make it a game. It is a win-win situation.

Photo credit https://www.pexels.com/@rose-dudley-273122
5 dance moves to help you get or stay in shape
Cotton Eyed Joe
This dance is associated with the south, but it is a fun dance that is done all over the United States. One reason for its popularity is the simple steps that are easy to follow. You start with a stomp or touch, kick, and a triple step performed in a circle. It is usually performed in a row or a circle with a group of people, but it can be done on its own too. You can view the steps here.
Cupid Shuffle
This dance is often done at wedding receptions. The song that is played with it explains the three simple steps that the dancer performs. This is easy to do at any time, and it will keep you in shape. This is considered as a Hip Hop move, and it is very popular with the kids. Here is a video to help you get started.
The Harlem Shake
The Harlem shake begins with one dancer thrusting his hips forward and back while he pushes his arms front to back as well. Imagine trying to propel your body on snow skies. While your feet stay stationary, you push with your hips and pull with your arms and repeat the move quickly in succession.
After the intro, the music changes and everyone in the room begin dancing wildly with freestyle movement. Click the link for the original video.
The Running Man
The Running Man takes a little practice. You will see it often in the hip-hop circles. It is a lot of fun to master, and every hip-hop dancer will add this to their favorite dance styles.
- Start with your feet together and your arms hanging at your sides. Your starting position is on your side.
- Lift your left leg up high. You will bend your knee forming a 90-degree angle. While you are doing this, bend your arms and lift them as if you are actually going to run. Close your fist.
- Push down and back with your left leg and lift your right leg following the same motions you did with the left. (bend the knee at a 90-degree angle)
- Push down your hands at the same time, relaxing them slightly but keeping a fist.
The Bend and Point
Still staying with the theme of dancing with the bounce, we are changing the basic move a bit for this, more sophisticated step. With each step, you will stand centered with your knees bent, heels on the ground. You will bounce your body left to right with a bounce but do not move your feet. As you bounce out, push your arms in front of you and as you bounce in, pull them back to you. Use a lot of movement in your upper body and a lot of bounce in the legs. Here is an example of the step.
Added tools
If you plan to use dance as part of your fitness program, make it fun and make it special. Buy dance shoes (this is important for foot safety) and invest in some nice dancewear. It is not difficult to find affordable dancewear, and it makes your dance experience special.
Dance for health, dance for fun, or dance for sport. The results will be a strong and healthy body. You will look great and feel great.
Next Up: My favorite workout gear for dancing. Follow me on Instagram for pics & shop the look.