Hey listen. Motherhood is all about learning from other people’s mistakes (like the ones made by our own parents) and it’s also about watching how moms who have succeeded before us have done things right.
There is an LA thing happening here where you see these amazing moms taking their kindergarteners to school, & you have no idea that they actually have a grown child already!! Wait. What? Oh yeah mama. They had children, like 18 years ago, & then decided to have one more in their late 30’s (ish?). So, they already know how to do all of this because it isn’t their first time down the river! I know half-a-dozen parents who’ve got a big kid/adult and also a tiny one. So remember that old saying. Looks are deceiving. She may be making it look so easy because she has already made all her mistakes and now she is practically perfect. Perfect segue here…
My favorite other Room Mom is so good at crafting & being all arty & creative. She cooks, she hosts parties, she knows how to do “printables”. I have major respect for her, and as a co-room mom I’m merely her assistant, and groupie. But, lucky for us we have her and all of the other super good-at-this-already moms who have tried & true DIY ideas for moms like me & you.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Let’s DIY: I found THESE great DIY ideas on Pinterest. Plus I’ll be posting more up until V Day.
She’s doing Snow Owl Angels in class today for a Wintery theme. I can’t wait to see my daughter’s owl when I pick her up from school!
- DIY Snowy Owl
- DIY Sweets
- DIY AquaBall
I’m going to attempt to make Chocolate Truffles for the office staff at school. Sounds fancy? Good! Cuz it’s super easy.
I found Aqua Balls at a ClubMomme event & my kids LOVED them (Fave is Frozen characters/Berry flavor). I loved the bottles. So my friend asked me to write something about them. I was happy to include them in a post! I found these DIY’s on Pinterest. We also made popsicles with this water & floated fruit in them. Total hit. Have you seen these before? My kids love Lucky Penny Shop on YouTube & knew about these before I did.
Follow the Instagram feed below and I’ll show you what my daughter’s Snowy Owl looks like. Cute or a “piece of craft” (as my husband & I call it). Keep your eyes open for ideas & please share them with me here & on Pinterest. I really really appreciate it! #notcraftymom