From the moment I connected to these ladies I knew we would all love working together for the Military-based series on PBS Digital “American Veteran: Keep It Close”. We’ve had a huge response to their personal shares about the show from thousands of likes on Instagram and Facebook, endless retweets, and now on top of all that YouTube Videos too! I’ve seen their hubbies join in, and their kids getting creative. I’ve read testimonials from their audiences who have been inspired to watch the shows! This is a much deserved SHOUT OUT to the Mamas who worked hard behind-the-scenes to get the word out about things they are passionate about and that can truly enhance the lives of other families. Many thanks to you Brite and Bubbly, TheExpertBeginner, The Momfluence, The Dadfluence and LivingWithLittles!
Now let’s get right into today’s incredible story on PBS Digital, American Veteran: Keep It Close
American Veteran: Keep It Close “How A Toy Car Helps This American Veteran”

Patricia Harris recalls her time in the Army as a combination of horror, madness, and resilience. While stationed in Germany, she experienced sexual harassment on active duty. Once home from her deployment, the one place she found solace was in her red 1967 VW Beetle. The car came to symbolize freedom and peace for her and gave her strength to persevere — and motivated her to assist fellow veterans in need of support. When Harris was deployed to Desert Shield/Desert Storm, she carried a toy replica of the VW bug in her backpack, even taking it with her during combat. Today the VW bug toy is a constant reminder of hope for Harris.
All of the shows we have been talking about on our Social Media accounts are available to watch anytime on the Official Show Website. Let me tell you that if you are busy (I know we all are!) or your kid has a short attention span as they all do, just try a quick episode to watch together as a family to start a discussion about history, patriotism, or what it means to be a hero. All of the episodes are short and filled with interesting facts, pictures and meaning.
I can’t close up this campaign without also thanking the driven and fantastic Creatives who included my company in the most wonderful outreach, for a show that is so important. Thanks to PBS and GBH for this partnership. We all look forward to many more together!