Sponsored Blog Posts & Paid Social Media Campaigns
My focus on the blog is to provide my personal Entertainment Industry-related insights and career motivation for women in creative fields. My visitors are fans of my #1 LA Morning Radio Show on KOST 103.5fm, to friends I’ve made over 20 years working in Hollywood, to Moms searching the internet for career guidance. As a result of years in broadcasting, I can serve my community by offering advice, and answering questions and sharing my stories. My content reaches thousands of women online daily.

My Rate Card
Blog Post & Endorsement: Start at $250
Instagram Post $150
Instagram Stories 2-3 Slides $125
Promoted Facebook Post $75 // Promoted Twitter Post $75
Dedicated Email Blast to Influencer Moms and Media/Broadcasters $450
Full Package (All of the Above) $1,000
Banner Ad: RT Column on Website $150 per mo.
Banner Ad: Cover Photo on Facebook Group $150 per mo.
Social Media Management: Monthly Retainer $200-$1200
IGTV Series Production: Starting at $1500

Looking for Local News Segments, Radio Segments, Dedicated Podcast Production, Audio or Video Infomercials? Email for a quote: momtouragemediabrands@gmail.com