Disney Channel Helps Moms Start the Vaping Convo

Sitting under a tree in my girlfriend’s front yard I told her I watch Disney Channel shows with my kids to start important conversations.

It sounded like a line in a commercial but honestly it’s not the first time I’ve heard myself say that to another Mom, and they totally know what I’m talking about too. From the sibling lessons in `Coop and Cami Ask the World’, to the Mom and Daughter bonding in the Freaky Friday Movie; we’ve laughed our way into some pretty cool discussions that I honestly may have otherwise missed out on.

Watching shows with my kids is a big priority for me as an involved interested mom. I play video games, watch YouTube challenges, and scroll Amino to keep in touch with what my kids are watching for entertainment. Some things are more fun than others, for sure! Our family favorites are on the Disney + app now which is super easy to supervise and enjoy as a whole family.

Lately my son Cruzer is binge-watching Raven’s Home. And when he heard me talking on the phone with Disney PR about Raven Symoné he went crazy LOL! We were all thrilled that I’d be working with the show but I think Cruzer was the most excited. Now he’s going back to watch all of the That’s So Raven shows!

My daughter Izzy was curious about the upcoming Raven’s Home episode that I was talking to Disney Channel about. Izzy is in 5th Grade and this was the perfect opportunity to approach the timely subject of Vaping. Already the vaping episode was gently offering an open door for a Mother/Daughter convo about an extremely important subject.

Here’s more about how you can do the same if your children are the right age for it.

Top 3 Ways to Start a Conversation with Your Child About Vaping

**Excerpts from National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Family Checkup and the Surgeon General‘s Talk With Your Teens About E-Cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents resource.**

  • Before you start the conversation, make you sure you have the facts about vaping so you can speak calmly and confidently from a place of knowledge.
  • Find the right moment.  A more natural discussion will increase the likelihood that your teen will listen. Rather than saying “we need to talk,” you might ask your teen what he or she thinks about a situation you witness together.
  • Reduce Emotion – Sometimes talking with children brings up strong feelings that interfere with clear thinking. Following the CALM steps can help a parent keep the conversation moving in the right direction.
  • C – Control your thoughts & actions. 
  • A – Assess & decide if you are too upset to continue 
  • L – Leave the situation if you are feeling too angry/upset 
  • M – Make a plan to deal with the situation 

“What About Your Friends” – Raven’s Home on Disney Channel

I hope this post helped a bit and lent an entertaining but informative spin on a tough subject to wrap our heads around. We’re all growing as parents, from raising little babies to guiding young adults. Remember when you were a new mom and everybody said (with the best of intentions): “It gets easier!”.


So, leave your comments below if you want to chat and you can always reach out to me on social media where I’m hanging out, sharing inspiration and snaps from real life. I’d love to hear from you.

Here’s a little more info about the show and links for you to check it out.




In the special episode, entitled “What About Your Friends,” Booker’s new friends pressure him to try vaping, but he turns them down and warns them about the dangers. They don’t listen and when Coach Spitz finds a vape pen, the boys all claim it belongs to Booker and he is suspended. While a disappointed Raven seeks to understand what’s going on with her son, Booker sets out to clear his name.

Geared for kids 6-14, the episode also touches on peer pressure and the importance of being honest with your parents. Young viewers will also learn valuable friendship lessons – how your friends’ bad decisions can negatively impact you (a lesson Raven tries to impart to Booker at the first sign of trouble); real friends don’t tell lies about you and they stand up for you, no matter what.

I made this & framed it for my son Cruzer’s desk. He is a HUGE fan & a sweet 8 year old boy who could really use this daily reminder♥︎ (Made with Canva)

—————————————————————————————————————–This episode and pro-social message were developed under the consultancy of Hollywood, Health & Society, who brought in experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and USC, among others. Also please feel free to check out this helpful infographic from the CDC.

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